OMG, so long time since last blogging.. never mind..!
I was planning to try Annie Sloan ChalkPaint for very, very long time, too. This morning, finally, was the Big Testing Day! :)))! #anniesloanchalkpaint would not need much comments - it is worldwide known strong brand, high quality paint, easy and fun to work with. I knew that already before, just needed my own feeling. As a proud owner of quite large different brand acrylic color stock do have prior experiences to compare to. So I had high expectations for #anniesloanchalkpaint, tryal totally met those high expectations. Bought 1L can #parisgrey shade few days ago, planning to paint one table at home. Of course, had to test the paint in forehand. So, decided to paint a cover of Banana Box. Got lots of banana boxes to store things in storage, also have had to move a lot the latest years -banana boxes for such continuous changing life is really good thing :D ... the problem is they are so ugly :( Well.. I painted my Banana Box #1 and it turned to be so fun, much nicer looking, easy to paint and all just super... so as a result I had an absolute must to paint 6 more boxes. Painting went fast, iiit was fun! I had also #brushes in store but did not need those, used just #foamroller tis time. #cleaningpaintingtools as usually after working with water based colors: soaked extra paint from roller into napkin type paper, washing the rest with average warm water under water tap. Conclusions: - #highquality , indeed! - #supercoverage ! great coverage capacity comparing to most other colors I've used before. The contrasting banana pictures are not easiest items to cover :D still, almost 1 layer was enough which is very good. For better result I painted one more layer but sides only which are visible in storage. Perfection was not my aim this time, only to get more esthetic looking boxes. But surface is very even and good looking. Having no questions any more how does the painting feel! - have spent about half a liter paint on those; - paint dries fast so I painted the 2nd layer very fast... - #fast and #easytoworkwith - painting 7 Banana Boxes :) lasted 2 hours Including drinking coffee; - i needmore #anniesloanchalkpaint ! No doubt also planning to #stencil on those, too! But that's next issue, project and/or post.
Year 2017 has been intensive, prosperous, fast going... have not posted here much, hope to be more efficient next year :) Wrapping presents and have to share my latest DIY recycling idea: reusing old textile blinds. Picked those with me from friend's working site, as they had no usage for those any longer. Just tested my first piece and it turned out as well as planned. We plan to stencil more like this during holidays. I used acrylic paint here. Product link here: Merry Christmas, dear friends! Don't worry about shabby condition of the old textile blinds - those can be gently washed, ironed, cut into smaller pieces. Fast and easy preparation process, the result is very nice material for crafts. Can be used for DIY cardmaking, signs, for sure there is more, and our imagination is the limit.
#DIY #recycling #merrychristmas #sustainableliving #crafts ![]() Stenciling is a "dry brush technique". Usually it requires really tiny amount of paint. A set of different acrylic colors in small tube packings is very handy paint supply for different projects. However we face a problem when opening/ closing tube cups several times: the paint remains dry getting tube cups stuck, hard to open and close, etc. Here is a solution: let's make a small hole with crafting knife, pouring the necessary small color amount through the hole. I have even learned to work the paint into stencil brush directly on the surface of tube and do not need any extra pads when working with small stenciling details. Fast and efficient! Close the hole with a piece of tape when you are done. Drying paint remains will not be technically disturbing in this case, you can always open the hole with your crafts knife. Good luck! ![]() We will celebrate next year arriving within several hours, having a glass of sparkling, or so. At this point of looking back and wishing new let it be the following Y2016 wishlist: - we continue to do what we love to do, - we emerge even more with our bestr partners, to share passion for crafts, - next year we become more international and this includes our page changing fromFinnish to English. Happy New 2016! ps: sorry for the Christmas related picture.. a bit of hurry here.. ;)
![]() Mummoni sairastui dementiaan monta vuotta sitten. Eihän muista juuri mitään.. ei edes kuka minä olen. Mutta hän lukee sujuvasti kaikki mitä tulee hänen eteensä. Latvian kielellä kirjoitin. Koska mummoni on latvialainen ja asuu Riikassa, huomenna matkustan sinne ja 22/12 vietetään hänen 90-vuotis syntymäpäiväjuhlat. Tein hänelle tämän "rakkauskirjeen", niin että hän voi lukea sen uudestaan ja uudestaan. Hän saa ihmetellä, kuka on tuo tytär, ja tyttären tytär, molemmat kirjoittanut että rakastavat rakastavat häntä. Eli tämä oli hyvä päivä elämiseen. Paras vielä edessäni. Nimikyltti, jollaa hevosen ja sen omistajan tiedot.
Tämä on tuotenäyte, nimikylttiin saa haluamansa nimet kuvan mukaisella fontilla ja tyylillä. Tuote sisältää sekä sapluunalla maalattu valmis 24cm x 30cm kokoinen nimikyltti, että kuvan mukainen käytetty sapluuna, jotka voi käytää uudestaan muuhun hevostavaroiden tuunaukseen.
about us:We make graphics for crafts and applications. In this page you can find some results. Archives
November 2018
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